Violet Flame Reiki
The Violet Flame cleanses, transforms, and transmutes negative energy. It breaks barriers and the energy works its way through the deepest levels of our Akashic memory...
"I am" are the most powerful words in all of existence because the words that follow define our beings on a total level of existence; so it is very important that we be intentional with the words we use to define our "selves".
The Violet Fire purges and purifies all that is not of the "self" and forges the fires from long ago. Also known as Saint Germaines Lighthouse, the Violet Flame releases memories from the past. It powerfully and gracefully heals trauma from past life times and helps us release all that we have held on to that no longer serves our highest purpose.
The Arcturians of the Golden Ray within Andromeda have requested that I share this attunement with whomever feels drawn to it free of cost. So below you will find a portal that will take you to the attunement and an image with the energy exchange programmed within.
The Universe inside my heart lives by the light of the Violet Flame; I am a being of Violet Fire, I am the purity Heaven desires. Blessed be...