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This Attunement should be received in a state of relaxation; lay back and focus on your breathing. Imagine a golden white light in the center of your chest; growing brighter with every breath. Watch as this light begins to flow in and around your energy field; see it, feel it, become one with the golden light of Heavens beyond our perception. 


After you are surrounded by the warm glow of the golden white light it is time to call in the Violet Flame...


I want you to imagine a place that makes you feel peaceful and at ease... Imagine for a moment a pink sandy shore with the water gently rippling on to the shore. As you stare out into the vast sea you notice the waters below you appear turquoise beneath your feet. You notice an image above the waters; a crystal temple...


"Beyond the physical worlds; I am the Violet Flame. I call forth and ignite the fires of my eternal soul; I forge the embers of the past and remove all obstacles that stand between me and my dreams...


Welcome to Arcturus beyond Heaven's gates: Please feel free to take a swim in our healing turquoise waters; relax beneath the golden rays of our only sun; & light your Eternal Akashic Soul on fire with the Violet Flame. "


Envision a violet fire emerging from the ground and surrounding every bit of your being as you state this prayer to yourself or outloud... 


" I am the Violet Flame.

My Soul is of the Violet Fire

My Heart is pure and free of pain

I am the Violet Flame...

I am healing on all levels of my existence

I heal as I let go of my past

I am the Violet Flame...

I heal others as I heal myself

I am one with my highest self

I am the Violet Fire...

I am the purity of Heaven on Earths desires."


Special appearances by Saint Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron, or any guides of Arcturus' Golden Ray beyond the Gateway to Andromeda, the Lion Beings of Arcturus, and many more are possible...


(Activation image in the background)



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