Crystal Alchemy is the process of naturally healing crystals from the inside out. I have been developing this process over the last year and have seen amazing results. I am now documenting the journey to keep record of the transformational process these beauties have been through.
This is Lady Ursula; she is known as the wicked witch because Ursula use to send horrible dreams and criss crossed messages from spirit, she used to attract negative energy and amplified it due to her pale; Clearish Quartz like appearance and her surroundings at the time. But it wasn't her fault...
Ursula's last owner was not in tune with crystals, at all; as her now forever home is. Ursula's old human counterpart made Ursula super sad when he forced her to live with the Bubble Guppies, Under the Sea....
Ursula was gifted to me by my ex boyfriend when we first started dating a few years back; he apologized that she wasn't as shiny as my other crystals and stones because he had kept her (with all his other stones) in his fish tank with piranhas...
There was very little pigment present when Ursula first came to me her purple crystals had drooped and she was in a very low vibrational state, but her story sadly gets more tragic before we unveil the Silver Lining....
My previous relationship was a very abusive relationship (both physically and emotionally) and it took it's toll on myself, my son, and my crystals... My ex would use his size to intimidate me and when he realized that was no longer going to work, he resorted to destroying the things and people that I love the most, most of the time he would destroy my crystals... He threw Ursula across the room and she hit the dresser, that was her first stress mark, he slammed the back door into my head knocking me out instantly and Ursula "jumped" off the shelf to come to my rescue... The major damage came when she fell out of a box while being thrown out of his house for the eighteen thousandth time...
She was already dim, faded, and worn down due to the constant current of the water and resting in the fish goo below the gravel for so long.... She was now cracked, chipped, broken in several places, and her energy was the saddest thing I have ever felt from a crystal.
The last six months I have been actively working on healing Ursula as well as all of my other crystals (you will meet a few more in the next few days) with great results! Ursula and her buddies are transforming. Her dim pigment is now deepening and returning to a vibrant and deep purple, she is forming new points and healing the fractures on her skeletal formation. These pictures don't even do her justice!
Like a plant with the proper care will grow and thrive, same concept works with crystals! They are living, "breathing", growing; children that need our love.
Stay tuned to Soul Star and, or SIrius Energy Healers to follow Ursula and her friends journeys in the future...